Frequently Asked Questions
We believe diversity is not only key when choosing species of trees but also in choosing locations or organizations to team up with when planting. Funds are distributed by Atmos Tree to a variety of planting projects within Canada and abroad.
Within Canada, we plant in Alberta where trees can be personally monitored by Atmos Tree. We work with local land owners to grow native forests where there is an emphasis on restoration and permaculture techniques.
Internationally, we partner with a variety of planting organizations and nature conservancies that go beyond planting trees. Trees must be monitored and provide social and economic benefits to local residents and farmers.
We will also be planting in other provinces outside of Alberta. If you are an alliance member and wish to request a planting zone near you, please send an email to -
We post a variety of updates on our projects through our Instagram account @atmostreeorg, our monthly newsletter and Facebook page. You will also be able to find specific info through this website once it becomes available.
We also provide updates and reports directly to alliance members describing where the funds were allocated, the amount of trees planted, and where.
(We prefer to plant in locations where our alliance members see the most benefit. If you have any ideas, connections, or land that you would like to see planted, please reach out to us to discuss!)
Please visit our planting page for more details. -
There is zero cost to join the alliance or to maintain membership.
Arborist companies that join our alliance commit to accepting contributions from their clients every time they perform a tree removal.
Funds are transferred to the alliance quarterly which allows purchase of seedlings, planting, maintenance, and administration costs. -
Free Advertising
Your company will be featured on social media, email campaign spotlight, website, and posts.
Potential for member spotlight or feature episode on “The Arborist Blueprint Podcast"
Free Promo Material
Branding tool kit that contains graphics for website, social media, email or other digital communications
Custom decals to display on your vehicles
Optional Video Chat with ATMOS Tree
To start you off right, we will offer you assistance and tips so it is streamlined and seamless for your business
Your Input Matters!
ATMOS Tree has a focus on collective community. We want to hear from you and how we can make this process easier, better and more successful
Subscribe to our monthly newsletter where you will find opportunities for education, advertising, blogs, and tips for you and your business!Member Perks
Subscribe to our newsletter for a discount code from some of the leading companies in the industry! Subscribe at the bottom of our page to get all the deals! -
Trees have the natural ability to sequester carbon. Our atmosphere is shared by everyone in the world without borders. Warmer climates can be more conducive to faster growing and larger trees compared to cooler climates in Canada increasing the trees ability to sequester carbon. Many of our partners that plant trees in developing nations can often plant trees that can also be harvested for food or re sale in local markets; improving local economies.
Another benefit when choosing a variety of planting sites, species, or organizations to plant with is the ability to protect our trees through redundancies. Tree growing success can be affected by disease, insects, wildlife, and other natural disasters. By spreading out our projects we can expect to increase our overall success.
Many trees are planted locally and personally by a team led by our founder and arborist Kurt Stenberg. We work with fantastic organizations that share our vision and attention to detail. Two we currently work with now are the Agroforestry Woodlot Extention Society (AWES) and Leaf Ninjas in Calgary Alberta. Our first alliance plantation was 1500 trees in Entwistle Alberta, Canada. We are focusing on regenerative farms and other natural landscapes where we can use principals from permaculture to increase success. Check out our planting page, newsletter or follow us on instagram @atmostreeorg for updates.